Thursday, August 29, 2013

Getting Closer

We are getting closer to having our foundation poured! I feel like once this gets done, the rest will fly by! Hopefully that's not just wishful thinking...

We found a "pre-pour inspection" checklist when we were out there yesterday, and it looks like the inspection failed in a couple places.. so hopefully that will get resolved and we will have a foundation by the end of the week!
...and on a side note. This was Collin's dinner last night. And yes, he did eat it all!

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Vegas & a LITTLE house progress

Collin and I got back from a little Vegas vacation last weekend! We had such a good time but whew.. that city can wear. you. out! I don't have many pictures at all :( mainly because the casinos are pretty strict about phones & if we weren't at the casino then we were sitting by the pool! 

 We stayed at Planet Hollywood! Such a nice hotel and casino, but the rooms were SO noisy all throughout the night!! I guess that's Vegas for ya though.

 Collin found a Big Buck Hunter slot machine.. you can imagine how happy that made him!

 "Is this the real Caesars Palace? Did Caesar actually live here?" ha! That poor hotel must get that ALL the time now!

I could watch this water show over and over.

He's pretty good lookin' if I do say so myself! ;)


I can FINALLY show a little update on the house!! It's been quite a while, but the permits finally went through and we have some plumbing! Hopefully the foundation will be SOON to follow!

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