Our house is our baby right now, so bare with me through all these pictures and updates :) It will be fun to look back and remember the crazy ups and downs of building our first home! As of now, things seem to be moving along pretty quick with one big thing happening after another! But as we have learned in the past, we know there can be weeks with no progress at all. We are crossing our fingers that the frustration is behind us, and our house will be done before we know it!
Within just a few days it seems like, they have completely framed it, put up the sheathing (the white stuff around the outside), put in windows, and installed our tub in the guest bathroom! Looks like roofing will be next!
Here is Collin standing in the Master Bedroom
And here he is contemplating the water in our tub already. He's convinced it's a bathroom for the workers... needless to say, I will be scrubbing the heck out of it once we move in! Gross!
View from the front entrance. All that wood makes it look like a maze right now!
Dylan keeps me updated on progress when Collin and I can't make it out there for a few days! :) - Okay, maybe it's Justin and Brennon.. but Dylan has already claimed a room in the new house!
And here is our house! Windows and all :) It's so exciting to see all the progress! Each step will be more and more exciting from this point on. Can't WAIT to move in!!