Christmas this year was very different for the sole reason of not having our mom there, but we made the best of it and cherished the time spent with family. Collin and I took off to spend a few days in Spearman celebrating Christmas with his family, and then came back to Fort Worth to celebrate with my family. There is always so much hype around the holidays that they seem to come and go way too fast, but I am very lucky to be on maternity leave this year and soaked up every bit of the holiday time. I am dreading next year when I only get a couple days off work to spend with our little girl. I have loved every minute of it!
I love holiday jammies!!
Collin and I decided to take Brooklyn to get her picture with Santa. Clearly all for us.. she had no clue... but she did NOT like anyone else holding her that night. I love classic pictures like this!
She has been so strong with her neck lately, so we couldn't help but try out this bumbo chair. She did pretty good!
Collin found all his toy cars in Spearman. He lined up all of his corvettes.. haha!
Again, I love holiday jammies!
Christmas Eve dinner at Copeland's!
The boys trying to comfort Brooke :)
She has just recently started to notice toys and loves to stare and touch them!
Big helpers loved feeding Brooklyn!
Christmas at my dad's!
It's hard to describe the worst year of my life when my biggest blessing was born this year, but 2014 was just plain awful in many ways. I thank God everyday for our daughter and she is everything to us, but the loss we experienced this year has weighed heavy on my heart. During my challenging days with Brooklyn, there's nothing more I want than to hear my mom's advice, or just hear her say I'm doing a good job. I want to be able to send her pictures and tell her all the silly things Brooklyn does. I am thankful for my family and friends who have been amazing this year and love Brooklyn just like my mom would.
Here's to 2015 bringing joy and laughter back into our lives. There is no doubt it will as we watch our little girl grow. She is our miracle.