Ten Months!
I can't believe we will have a one year old in two short months. It really is crazy how fast it goes by and how much they change in their first year. I can't get enough of this sweet girl!
At ten months she is crawling everywhere, cruising on her walker toy and around anything she can pull up on, and is noisy like always! ;) She never really gets too far out of sight.. most of the time she is crawling following me around the house and pulling up on my legs!
She eats like crazy!! We haven't found a thing she doesn't like. She has started eating more and more table food and loves it. She can't put food in her mouth fast enough!
On top of all that, she is quite the cuddler. She is so sweet. She would sleep with her head on my shoulder all night if we let her. I wont lie.. most nights I go to bed early and lay with her until Collin takes her to her room. It's the moments I will never take for granted. They grow too fast!
Party tricks include - waving, high fiving, clapping, and giving kisses :)
Party tricks include - waving, high fiving, clapping, and giving kisses :)
I have been so blessed to begin working from home! I love, love, love being with Brooke during the day. She still stays with Brennon two days a week (which is a life saver for work), but other than that, she is with me. It's been a little challenging finding a balance between Brooke, work, housework, and errands, but I really can't complain. I get to spend MUCH more time with Brooke and that was our ultimate goal!
Here are some pictures of our sweet ten month old!!
Reading books with daddy :)
First Texas Tech tailgate.. literally stuck in the tailgate :)
Visiting Papa John at work!
She gets bored while I work sometimes ;)