Sunday, October 18, 2015

Eleven Months

I am in complete denial that my little girl will be ONE next month. I think I will continue to tell people she is 11 months for the next few months! :(

Lately she can: clap, give and blow kisses, stand unassisted for a few seconds, taking one step, cruising everywhere, says mama and dada all day long, and will even dance to a few songs on the TV!

She is such a little ham everywhere we go. She pretends to be shy when people talk to her, but then waves uncontrollably as they are walking away.

Her biggest issue has been nap time. She refuses to nap in her crib. As long as I am holding her, she will nap no problem, but as soon as she goes in her crib she is hysterical!! Any ideas on how to solve this problem are appreciated!

Besides that, she continues to be the silliest, most talkative (and a little bit whiney) little girl!

First bounce house with her neighborhood friends

Bath time has become quite the event!

Showing her the fish at the fair. I'm tellin' ya, he's superdad.

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