Well, everything. But to name a few:
Although it's a struggle that she will not nap in her crib, I love the snuggles. I understand its just a phase, and I will soon miss it.
I love when she is off playing by herself, she always comes and gives me a kiss or a hug periodically.
I love that she will usually sleep in until 8-8:30am :)
I love when she pops around corners and yells "ahhh!" like she is trying to scare me!
I love watching her peak over the couch at the door every evening, waiting for her daddy to come home.
I love how excited she is to see and play with her cousins.
I love how she waves at everyone she sees. It breaks my mama heart when people ignore her :(
I love how after I get her dressed, she struts off to her daddy for him to tell her how pretty she is.
I love her slobbery, open mouth kisses.
I love opening up the back door of the car and seeing her huge grin from her car seat. She's always so happy to see people!
I love how she walks with her hands behind her back. She's a goofball!
I could go on and on, but I just love being her mama!