Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Brooke's Baby Dedication

Last weekend was Brooke's baby dedication. Being a parent in this new generation definitely comes with its share of fears for the future. I feel like Collin and I are old souls in this rapidly changing world, and it's important for us to cling on to our values and hold them strong. There is no better gift we can give our children than teaching them about the Lord and His lasting love for us. Kids need the church now more than ever, and it's our responsibility as parents to guide our children in the right direction. It takes a village, and we could use many prayers as we continue our amazing journey in parenthood!

Poor girl missed her morning nap and snoozed right through the ceremony!

It was pretty neat because the Pastor of our church was also there as his grandchildren were part of the ceremony. 

Sleepy baby!

Afterwards we invited everyone over to celebrate with a big Italian meal! We had a great weekend and a big thank you to everyone who came and supported us!
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Friday, August 14, 2015

Nine Months

At nine months we have a brand new baby! She has started crawling, pulling up, and finally has a tooth working its way through! 

Brooke continues to be super silly and happy. Her favorite things are being as loud as possible at restaurants, making funny faces, standing up while holding on to the furniture, waving at EVERYONE, and daddy coming home from work. She gets so excited and yells so loud! :)

At her nine month check up, she weighed 18 lbs 14 oz (64%) and was 28 3/4 inches (90%). She cried as loud as she possibly could for .2 seconds after her shots, and then was all smiles again!

She makes us laugh every single day. We could not imagine this life without her!

Yep. She still loves her paci. She dug it out of her diaper bag at her appointment!

Dinner with friends! 

It cracks me up to see a little baby head poking up over the table when she's working on pulling up!

Getting ready in the mornings has sure changed now!

Using Savannah to pull herself up. Savannah was a good sport even though Brooke mainly used her hair to pull up!

Interfering with game night...

Being contained for monthly pictures is NOT fun anymore!!

But then we finally got some good ones! :)

This weekend is Brooklyn's baby dedication at church. We are so excited for family coming in town and a fun weekend ahead!

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