Tuesday, September 2, 2014

29 Weeks

Third trimester already?!

 How far along: 29 Weeks!

Baby Size: An acorn squash {15.2-16.7 inches, 2.5-3.8 oz}

Maternity clothes: Yep! Some clothes still fit okay, but majority is maternity clothes.

Sleep: Having a harder time getting comfortable. It takes a fort of pillows around me to find the right spot.
Gender: Brooklyn Sue Gillaspie :)

Movement: All the time. I’ve been able to see my belly move a lot more recently and she’s been having the hiccups often!

Looking forward to: Our baby shower’s this month.. and the weather starting to cool off!

Food cravings: Sonic Ocean Waters

  Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
What I miss: My back not hurting every time I move!

Symptoms: Just back aches... so I can’t complain too much! I passed my glucose test, but was told my iron levels are low - not surprising since I get light headed so easily. The nurse recommended an over the counter iron supplement and didn't seem too concerned.
Belly Button in or out? I’d say it’s a halfie.. It gets closer to popping out after eating a big meal.

Wedding rings on or off? On during the day… off once I get home from work.

Mood: Ready for the holidays to get here and meet our baby girl!

Best moment this week: We got a 3D sonogram done on Saturday and loved being able to see her a little clearer! She was in a breech position and her feet, hands, and cord were all up by her head, but we were able to get a few good shots.
We also enjoyed having a long weekend and spending it with family.

...annnd a little 3D picture overload :)

Love this little smirk :)

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