Five months already!! I can't even describe the amount of joy this little girl has brought to our lives.
She is all smiles lately.. even in the early mornings when I go to wake her up, her eyes are so tired and red, but she still manages to smile at me the whole time while I change her and talk to her.
She has gotten pretty good at rolling around. She gets so excited when she rolls onto her tummy. She lifts her strong head so high and smiles at us.. making sure we saw what she just did! The night time is a different story and she does NOT smile when she rolls onto her tummy. She likes to sleep on her side and accidentally ends up on her stomach all too often. Many nights we have woken up just to roll her back onto her back.
She is a little eater and loves her baby food as well as anything else we will let her try :) She is so interested in everything we eat and will even try to grab our food as we are eating it! Although, she seems very content with her 5 ounces every 3-4 hours.
She has adapted this weird growling/grunting noise and does it pretty much 24/7. It was cute at first, but now it's getting a little out of hand! We think she will have A LOT to say one day.
Her sleep is still a work in progress. She wakes up 1-2 times a night. Once is usually due to rolling on her stomach, and the other is because she is hungry. We have become used to it, and know this time will pass.
For the most part, she only cries when she is hungry, overly tired, or the sun is in her eyes in the car seat. This is a big step from what it used to be. She is so smiley, cuddly, and CUTE!
These two are pretty much buddies now.
When you're five months it's more fun to play around in your crib ;)
Pretty blue eyes!
Trying to sit up! She is pretty good when she has the boppy around her.
Her expressions crack me up!
She loves grabbing our faces!
Snoozin' on her side
Working hard on holding her bottle!
Looking up at her daddy. She smiles like this at him even when he just walks across the room.
We love you so much, Brooklyn!