Wednesday, April 22, 2015

ACM Weekend

A year ago it was announced that the Academy of Country Music Awards would be in Dallas this year, and we bought tickets right away! Pre-sale, in fact. So we waited a good year for last weekend, and it did not disappoint! I will let the pictures speak for themselves. Although we waited two hours for the rain to pass each night, we still had a blast!

The line-up

Josh Abbott!

My phone died before the good concerts that night, but rest assure we had a good time!


Waiting out the rain stinks!

Sunday night was the Awards show! My ears are still ringing from all those people and the LOUD cheering.

I think all the girls were just a little excited to see Reba! :)

The boys looked nice! Minus Collin's cheesy grin ;)

We made so many funny memories. It was such a fun weekend!

A BIG thank you to Leann for coming down to watch our sweet girl! We got so many cute pictures all weekend.. it's safe to say Brooklyn had as good of a weekend as we did!

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