Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Halloween 2015

Despite Brooke having a double ear infection and sore throat, we had a great first Halloween with her! She was the cutest little monster I ever saw :)

The morning started out with some pumpkin pancakes & cartoons! 

Later in the day, Katie brought Brooke a fun treat & we let her have at it! (Smash cake practice ;))

 "Are they looking? Nope. Okay I will dig in." haha!

 Demolished it!

Each year for Halloween we whip up some Frito Pies and then head out for Halloween fun. This year was no different, except we had some fun pictures to take first! We had a few trick or treater's at our house, and then we headed over to Justin and Brennon's neighborhood. Their neighborhood is FULL of kids!

I love seeing all the kids costumes!!

This about sums up her mood for most of the night.

 Cookies made her feel better!

We had a fun first Halloween with our sweet girl!!

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