Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Twelve Months

 At twelve months, Brooke was 20lbs 11oz (44%), 30.5 in (88%), and HC was 18.25 (85%). 

She is learning new things everday! She was taking 5-10 steps around her first birthday, and completely took off walking over Thanksgiving. There is no stopping her now!

She has had a bit of an ongoing sleep regression in the last month or so. She wakes up hysterical in her crib until we get her and bring her to our bed. The girl has some lungs and will cry for hours in her crib. She knows how to work the system! ;)

Currently, she loves giving herself kisses in any reflection she sees (mirror, window, oven), she loves waving at anyone who walks by, and fake coughing for attention.

She has learned to respond to "how big is Brookie?" by throwing her hands up in the air as we tell her "sooo big!" This is something my mom used to do with all the kids, and it melts my heart! Collin is also working on her throwing her hands up in the air for "touch down!" ;)

She is understanding a lot of simple commands like 'walk to daddy', 'take a drink', or 'go get your paci'. It is amazing to watch their minds grow and develop. Everyday brings something new!


Snack time can be exhausting :)

Over Thanksgiving, we got to meet our newest niece, Scarlett! She is so sweet and TINY! You forget how little newborns are! :(

This picture makes me laugh, because now anytime Brooke sees a flash go off, she instantly smiles for the camera!

We are excited to celebrate Christmas with our sweet girl, and can't wait to share all the fun!

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