Monday, September 9, 2013

2nd Place!

How cute are these girls?! I am coaching Cameron's 3rd grade volleyball team this season and could not have been more proud of them this weekend! After having a pretty rough season last year, they came out on fire for their first pre-season tournament claiming 2nd place! I have high hopes for this season. We played a pretty good team in the championship, and I am anxiously waiting to play them again! Our girls played back to back to back to back before the championship and were a little exhausted. With a little rest, I have no doubt we can beat that team!

 Cameron played so well! And she sure looked cute! :)

Also, we finally have a foundation poured! This home building experience has not been what I expected so far, but I am certain we will love the end result! We've been told that the house will be complete mid to end November. We are counting down the days!

And a SPECIAL Happy Birthday to this cute 3 year old!! He is the happiest little boy and always goofing off in effort to make someone smile! I love his little personality!
 We love you, Cole!!

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