Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Baby Showers!

Collin and I have been blessed with THREE baby showers for little Brooklyn! Needless to say, she is all set and we can't wait for her to be here!! As soon as I get pictures from my Spearman shower, I will post those. It was hosted by such nice ladies and was a great time!
 Here are some pictures from my Fort Worth shower that my family put together and it could not have been more perfect! Everyone worked so hard on it and put in so much time towards it. It turned out beautiful! I loved that everyone brought children's books in lieu of cards. Little girls library is all set now!

These next pictures are so sweet. Everyone filled out a "Wishes for Brooklyn" card and Cameron, Dylan, Savannah, and Maddie's were so cute :) Love those little girls!

And I can't wait to get Brooklyn in these little shoes that were on top of the diaper cake :)

A couple weeks after the Fort Worth shower, my work had a double baby shower for a co-worker and I that are due around the same time. The theme was "It's a sea of babies around here" and everything was "under the sea"! Too cute!

I can't get this one to rotate :/

We are so blessed to be surrounded by such great people who love us and little B! The countdown is on for her arrival now!

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