Friday, November 21, 2014

Brooke's First Week

Our first week at home with Brooke has been amazing! We have been spoiled by family with lots of food and plenty of visitors. We are loving every second of it and will never turn down a chance to show her off! We couldn't be more proud!

Overall, she is a pretty calm baby. She mostly sleeps through out the day, and we never know what we are going to get at night! So far, we will get one good night where we will wake her up to feed, change her diaper, and she's right back to sleep, or she will have a hard time falling into a deep sleep and keep us up most of the night! It's safe to say she is a little night owl right now. She absolutely hates getting her diaper changed and being naked. She screams and screams and calms down as soon as we are done. I don't like being cold either, so I don't blame her! :) She loves to be cuddled and held, and of course we can't get enough of that!

Here are some (A LOT ) pictures of our first week!

These sweet girls made Brooke a welcome home sign!

Not a fan of her first bath!

  ...but she sure looks cute all wrapped up!!

Her first time coming home!

Poor girl had to go back to the hospital for a blood sample to check her jaundice levels. She is just fine, though! Slept right through the heel prick!

This tired little face melts me

 A little nail grooming with daddy!

This first week has been such a whirlwind of emotion. We love you so much little Brooklyn.

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