Tuesday, December 16, 2014

One Month

Where has the time gone?! Our little girl is already a month old. She has been such a little joy!
At one month she is 9 lbs 1oz (42%), 22 inches long (85%), and head circumference is 14.75in (76%). She has been eating 3 ounces every 3 hours, and will even go a good 5 hour stretch at night for us! She has been a good sleeper pretty much since day one (knock on wood!). She will wake up, eat for about 20 min and go right back to sleep without a fuss. Her days are a bit more challenging though. She loves to be held all the time and will start crying as soon as I put her down. I don't mind it most of the time! :) She is about 50/50 when we are out and about running errands. Sometimes she will be a trooper and sometimes she will cry so loud in the back seat that I end up just heading home.
She absolutely hates being naked. Diaper changes and bath time are a major scream fest! She has to get naked at all her doctors appointments to be weighed, so she has yet to make it through an appointment without crying! She had her one month appointment today and took her shot like a champ. She just whimpered a little after she realized what happened. Her whole body turns red when she really gets worked up!!
She is a strong little girl and does really well with trying to hold her head up. She can hold it up for a little while and then she will try to throw it back or it will fall to a side. She tries to wiggle herself from her back to her side!
She has the sweetest little coo's while she is eating, and every once in a while we will get a little smile when she is sleeping. It's the cutest thing!! I cannot wait until she is interacting a little more with Collin and I and will smile and laugh. There is no doubt that her first smile will come from all the silly faces her daddy makes at her!
She is the light of our lives right now and we love watching her grow everyday!
Here are a few newborn pictures. She was 10 days old in these! :)

Her first Thanksgiving!

Gaylord for Dinner. It was decorated so nice for Christmas!

Big one month girl!!

This mean muggin' look cracks me up!

Nathan came to visit Brooke when she was a week old! I can't wait to watch these two grow up!

A fussy picture just for good measure ;)

One of her sleep smiles. I cannot wait for a real smile!!

Brooke pee's almost every time we change her diaper without using a wipe from the wipe warmer. We realized real quick we needed to buy one because of this. We always put a diaper down underneath when changing her, but it was super early and I wasn't thinking. She peed all over our bed!! Don't mind the her flailing around in this picture. Ha! I had to quickly move her out of her own pee!

Visiting Dad at work!

She loves looking at the lights on the Christmas tree

Look at that belly!!

Brooke's "group shot" with her cousins at The Galleria!

After her shot at the doctors. Poor girl! :(

We love you so much, Brooklyn! Watching you grow is the best thing we have ever experienced!

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