Monday, February 22, 2016

Valentine's Day and My Birthday

We had a great weekend celebrating Valentine's and my birthday! My birthday fell on a Monday, but luckily it was President's Day so Collin and I both had the day off!

We kicked the weekend off with family dinner at Baja! That seems to be our go to restaurant for celebrating and it never fails us! Afterwards, we all came back to our house. The night ran a little long and I found these two snuggled up in bed watching cartoons. :)

We started Valentine's day off with heart shaped pancakes and church. Our little Valentine was looking extra cute :)

Then she came home and got to try on her Valentine's present from us.... new shoes! (why does she look so big here!!)

We were pretty lazy that evening and ordered take out from a little Italian place in the neighborhood. It was perfect and all three of us devoured it.

The next day we were so lucky to spend my birthday away from work!! All I wanted was to do something fun as a family, so we did a little shopping for me :) and then took Brooke to an aquarium, and she loved it! She stayed pretty interested the whole time. 

After the aquarium it was naps and regrouping for a birthday date night!

 We dropped Brooke off with Katie and went to Capital Grille. SO yummy!!!!

I couldn't have asked for a better weekend!

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